Kế hoạch bài dạy Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 Sách Chân trời sáng tạo - Chương trình học kì 1

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Nội dung text: Kế hoạch bài dạy Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 Sách Chân trời sáng tạo - Chương trình học kì 1

  1. REVIEW 1 (UNITS 1+2+3) Lesson 1: Language Lesson aim(s) By the end of this review, students will be able to revise the language they have learnt and the skills they have practised in Units 1-2-3. Materials (referenced) - Grade 6 text book, Review 1 - Language - Pictures, printed chart, crossword puzzle - sachmem.vn Anticipated difficulties Solutions 1. Students may find the lesson - Encourage students to work in pairs, boring due to a large number of in groups so that they can help each language exercises. other. - Design as many exercises as games as possible. - Provide feedback and help if necessary. 2. Some students will excessively - Define expectation in explicit detail. talk in the class. - Have excessive talking students practise. - Continue to define expectations in small chunks (before every activity). 160
  2. Board Plan Date of teaching Review 1 Lesson 1: Language * Warm-up Memory game: Complete the chart. I. Practice * Pronunciation Task 1: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently. Task 2: Write the names of school things and furniture in the house which begin with /b/ and /p/. * Vocabulary Task 3: Complete the words. Task 4: Solve the crossword puzzle. * Grammar Task 5: Look at the picture of a classroom. Choose the best answer A, B, or C. Task 6: Complete the sentences with the present simple or the present continuous form of the verbs in brackets. * Homework Stage Stage aim Procedure Interactio Tim n e Warm-up To revise the * Memory game 5 language that - Teacher draws/sticks an Team work mins students have unfinished chart which learnt in Units summarizes the language 1+2+3. that students have learnt in Units 1, 2, 3 on the board. - Teacher divides the class into 2 teams and asks students to run in a relay to complete the chart: 161
  3. - The team with the most correct answers will be the winner. Suggested answer: Practice To help * PRONUNCIATION 35 students Task 1: Choose the word mins review the whose underlined part is pronunciation pronounced differently. of the sounds - Teacher elicits the rules T-Ss learnt in Units of pronouncing final -s if 1-2-3: /ɑ:/ and needed. /ʌ/; /s/ and /z/ - Students do this exercise S correctly. individually then share Ss-Ss their answers with their partners. T-Ss 162
  4. - Teacher gives feedback and confirms the answers. Answer key: 1. C 2. A 3. B 4. A To help 5. B students review the Task 2: Write the names pronunciation of school things and of the sounds furniture in the house /b/ and /p/ in which begin with /b/ and words. /p/. Pair work - Teacher organizes this task as a game. - Students do this task in pairs. The pair that finds the most words will go to the board and write their answers. - Other pairs may want to T-Ss add more words. Write other words on the board. - Teacher gives feedback and confirms the answers. Suggested answers: /b/ book, bag, bed /p/ pen, pencil, picture, poste To help students review the * VOCABULARY word groups Task 3: Complete the words. 163
  5. used with - Teacher has students do S “play, have, this task individually and do” and then share their answers “study”. with their partners. - Teacher calls one or two T-Ss students to write their answers on the board. - Teacher checks and confirms the correct ones. Answer key: 1. English 2. homework 3. lunch 4. sports 5. badminton play: sports, badminton have: lunch do: homework study: English To help students Task 4: Solve the review the crossword puzzle. personality - Teacher sticks the adjectives, the crossword puzzle on the words related board. to body parts, - Teacher divides the class Team work rooms and into 2 teams and asks types of students to run in a relay house. to complete the crossword puzzle. - The team with the most correct answers will be the winner. Answer key: 164
  6. To help students review grammar elements taught in Units 1-2-3: * GRAMMAR T-Ss prepositions Task 5: Look at the of place, picture of a classroom. possessive Choose the best answer case and A, B, or C. present - Teacher has students continuous. look at the picture of a classroom and complete the sentences. Ss-Ss T-Ss - Students compare their answers with a classmate. - Teacher checks and confirms the correct answers. Answer key: 1. B 2. A 3. A 4. B 5. C T-Ss 165
  7. Task 6: Complete the sentences with the present simple or the present continuous form S of the verbs in brackets. - Teacher elicits form and usage of the present simple and the present continuous. - Teacher asks students to T-Ss do the exercise individually before calling one or two students to write their answers on the board. - Teacher checks students’ answers and asks them for explanation if necessary Answer key: 1. is / ’s raining 2. do you have 3. Is she studying 4. likes 5. is not / isn’t cooking; is reading Consolidation To Teacher asks students to T-Ss 4 consolidate talk about what they have mins what students learnt in the lesson. have learnt in the lesson. Homework To prepare for Prepare for Review 1 – T-Ss 1 the next Skills. min lesson. 166
  8. REVIEW 1 (UNITS 1+2+3) Lesson 2: Skills Lesson aim(s) By the end of this review, students will be able to revise the language they have learnt and the skills they have practised in Units 1-2-3. Materials (referenced) - Grade 6 textbook, Review 1 – Skills - sachmem.vn Anticipated difficulties Solutions 1. Students may find the lesson - Encourage students to work in pairs, boring due to a large number of in groups so that they can help each language exercises. other. - Design as many exercises as games as possible. - Provide feedback and help if necessary. 2. Some students will excessively - Define expectation in explicit detail. talk in the class. - Have excessive talking students practise. - Continue to define expectations in small chunks (before every activity). 167
  9. Board Plan Date of teaching Review 1 Lesson 2: Skills * Warm-up Chatting I. Practice * Reading Task 1: Choose A, B, or C for each blank in the email below. Task 2: Read the text and answer the questions. * Speaking Task 3: Interview two of your classmates about what they like and dislike about your school. Report their answers. * Listening Task 4: An and Mi are talking on the phone. Listen and fill each blank with one word. * Writing Task 5: Write an email of about 50 words to your friend. Tell him/ her about a family member. Use these questions as cues. * Homework Stage Stage aim Procedure Interactio Tim n e Warm-up To increase * Chatting: 5 students’ - Teacher asks students T-Ss mins interest and some questions to lead lead them into them into the lesson: the lesson. 1. Do you have any pen pals? 2. How do you communicate with your pen pal? 3. Do you often write emails to your pen pal? - Teacher lead in the reading part of the lesson. 168
  10. Practice To help * READING 35 students Task 1: Choose A, B, or mins practise C for each blank in the reading for email below. specific - Students do these S information. exercises individually. - Students check their Ss-Ss answers with their partners before they give the answers to teacher. - Teacher confirms the T-Ss correct answers. Answer key: 1. A 2. C 3. C 4. B 5. B To help Task 2: Read the text students and answer the practise questions. reading for - Students do these S general exercises individually. information. - Students check their Ss-Ss answers with their partners before they give the answers to teacher. - Teacher confirms the T-Ss correct answers. Answer key: 1. It’s in a quiet place not far from the city center. 2. They are hard-working and kind. 3. They are helpful and friendly. 4. There are five clubs. 169
  11. 5. Because it’s a good school. * SPEAKING To help Task 3: Interview two of students your classmates about practise what they like and asking and dislike about your answering school. Report their about what answers. they like and dislike about their school and the reasons why. - Teacher has students Group work in groups of three. work One interviews the other two about what they like and dislike about their school and the reasons why. - Teacher tells students to write their group members’ answers in their notebooks and report them to the class. - Teacher summarizes students’ ideas. T-Ss * LISTENING Task 4: An and Mi are talking on the phone. To help Listen and fill each students blank with one word. review - Teacher has students listening for read the sentences. specific - Teacher plays the T-Ss information. recording for the first time. 170
  12. - Teacher asks students to listen and complete the sentences. Ask for their answers and writes them on the board. - Teacher plays the recording the second time for students to check their answers. - Teacher checks students’ answers. - Teacher plays the recording the last time if necessary, stopping at different places where students got the wrong answers. Answer key: 1. home 2. plants 3. living 4. sleeping 5. TV Audio script: An: Why is it so quiet, Mi? Are you home alone? Mi: No. Everybody is here, but they are in different rooms. An: Where’s your mum? Is she cooking in the kitchen? Mi: No. She’s watering the plants in the garden. An: And where’s your dad? Mi: He’s in the living room. An: What’s he doing? 171
  13. Mi: He’s listening to the radio. An: What about your younger brother? Is he with your mum? Mi: No. He’s sleeping in my bedroom. My cousin, Vi, is here too. An: What’s she doing? Mi: She’s watching TV. * WRITING Task 5: Write an email To help of about 50 words to students your friend. Tell him/ complete a her about a family guided member. Use these paragraph of questions as cues. 40-45 words - Teacher elicits the parts about a of an email. student’s - Teacher asks students T-Ss family to discuss and answer member. the questions in pairs. - Teacher then has them write their emails individually. Ss - Teacher asks one student to write the email on the board. - Other students and teacher comment on the email on the board. - Teacher then collects some emails to give feedback at home. Consolidation To Teacher asks students to T-Ss 4 consolidate talk about what they have mins what students learnt in the lesson. have learnt in the lesson. 172
  14. Homework To prepare for Prepare for Unit 4. T-Ss 1 the next min lesson. REVIEW 2 (UNITS 4-5-6) Lesson 1: Language Lesson aim(s) By the end of this review, students will be able to revise the language they have learnt and the skills they have practised in Units 4-5-6. Materials (referenced) - Grade 6 textbook, Review 2, Language - Pictures, printed chart - sachmem.vn Anticipated difficulties Solutions 1. Students may find the lesson - Encourage students to work in pairs, boring due to a large number of in groups so that they can help each language exercises. other. - Design as many exercises as games as possible. - Provide feedback and help if necessary. 2. Some students will excessively - Define expectation in explicit detail. talk in the class. - Have excessive talking students practise. - Continue to define expectations in small chunks (before every activity). 173
  15. Board Plan Date of teaching Review 2 Lesson 1: Language * Warm-up Memory game I. Practice II. Pronunciation Task 1: Listen and circle the word with the different underlined sound. III. Vocabulary Task 2: Write the words in the box (a-h) next to their opposite (1-8). Task 3: Choose the correct word/ phrase for each definition. IV. Grammar Task 4: Complete the sentences with the correct answer A, B, or C. Task 5: Complete the sentences with should or shouldn’t. * Homework Stage Stage aim Procedure Interactio Tim n e Warm-up To remind * Memory game: Group 5 students the - Teacher divides the work mins knowledge that class into 4 big they have learnt groups. in Units 4-5-6. - Teacher gives each group an unfinished chart which summarizes the language that students have learnt in Units 4, 5, 6 and asks them to complete the chart. - The group which finishes correctly and more quickly is the winner. 174
  16. Answer key: Practice To help students * PRONUNCIATION: 35 review the Task 1: Listen and mins pronunciation of circle the word with the sounds learnt the different in Units 4-5-6: underlined sound. /ɪ/ and /i:/, /t/ and - Students do this S /d/, and /s/ and /∫/ exercise individually correctly. then share their answers with their partners. - Teacher gives T-Ss feedback and confirms the answers. Answer key: 1. A 2. C 3. B To help students 4. C review the 5. C adjectives * VOCABULARY: 175
  17. describing the Task 2: Write the neighbourhood, words in the box (a-h) the wonders of next to their opposite Viet Nam, and (1-8). Tet holiday. - Teacher prepares sets of words and organises this task as a game. Team work - Teacher divides the class into 2 teams, gives each team 2 sets of words. One set includes the adjectives in the box and the other includes their opposites T-Ss - Teacher lets students To help students come to match on the identify the board. words through - The team matching their definitions. faster and correctly is the winner. To help students 1. d 2. g 3. f 4. b review grammar 5. a 6. h 7. c 8. e elements taught in Units 4-5-6: Task 3: Choose the must/ mustn’t, correct word/ phrase some/ any, and for each definition. comparative - Teacher has students adjectives. do this task individually and then share their answers with their partners. S - Teacher calls one or two students to write their answers on the board. - Teacher checks and T-Ss confirms the correct To help students ones. review the use of Answer key: 176
  18. should/ 1. waterfall shouldn’t. 2. compass 3. museum 4. wish 5. lucky money * GRAMMAR: Task 4: Complete the sentences with the correct answer A, B, or C. - Teacher has students S do the exercise individually. - Teacher asks students Pair work to exchange their answers and discuss if there is any difference in their answers then checks students’ answers as a class, and explains if needed. Answer key: 1. B 2. C 3. C 4. A 5. A Task 5: Complete the sentences with should or shouldn’t. - Teacher has a brief revision of should/ shouldn’t by giving a phrase showing an activity. Students speak aloud if they 177
  19. should/ shouldn’t do it. - Teacher lets students do this exercise independently. T-Ss - Teacher checks their answers as a class. Answer key: 1. should 2. shouldn’t 3. shouldn’t 4. should 5. should Consolidation To consolidate Teacher asks students to T-Ss 4 what students talk about what they mins have learnt in the have learnt in the lesson. lesson. Homework To prepare for Prepare for Lesson 2: T-Ss 1 the next lesson. Skills. min 178
  20. REVIEW 2 (UNITS 4-5-6) Lesson 2: Skills Lesson aim(s) By the end of this review, students will be able to revise the language they have learnt and the skills they have practised in Units 4-5-6. Materials (referenced) - Grade 6 textbook, Review 2, Skills - CD player - sachmem.vn Anticipated difficulties Solutions 1. Students may find the lesson - Encourage students to work in pairs, in boring due to a large number groups so that they can help each other. of language exercises. - Design as many exercises as games as possible. - Provide feedback and help if necessary. 2. Some students will - Define expectation in explicit detail. excessively talk in the class. - Have excessive talking students practise. - Continue to define expectations in small chunks (before every activity). 179
  21. Board Plan Date of teaching Review 2 Lesson 2: Skills *Warm-up Chatting I. Practice II. Reading Task 1: Read the passage and match the headings (A, B, C) with the paragraphs. Task 2: Read the passage again and choose the correct answer A, B or C. III. Speaking Task 3: Work in pairs. Read the passage Visit Singapore again and make a list of the places. take turns to ask and find out which place your partner wants to visit and why. IV. Listening Task 4: Mai’s family is talking to a travel agent about their trip to Singapore. Listen and tick () T (True) or F (False). V. Writing Task 5: Complete this paragraph to describe the place you live. * Homework Stage Stage aim Procedure Interaction Time Warm-up To increase * Chatting: T-Ss 3 students’ - Teacher asks students mins interest and some questions to lead lead them into them into the lesson: the lesson. 4. Do you want to visit Singapore? 5. Do you know what is Singapore famous for? - Teacher leads in the reading part of the lesson. Practice To help * READING 38 students Task 1: Read the mins practise passage and match the reading for 180
  22. general headings (A, B, C) with information. the paragraphs. S - Teacher has students read the headings and the paragraphs carefully before matching. T-Ss - Teacher asks students to underline the words/ phrases in the paragraphs which help them do the matching and goes through the underlined words and phrases students have done, then guides them how to look for clues. This will help students do activity 2 more easily. - Teacher checks the answers as a class. Answer key: 1. B 2. C 3. A To help Task 2: Read the students passage again and practise choose the correct T-Ss reading for answer A, B or C. specific - Teacher has students information. read each sentence and look for the key word(s) in it. - Teacher decides where to look for the information (paragraph 1, 2, or 3). This will make it quicker and easier for students to find the correct answers. 181
  23. E.g. Sentence 1 has ‘plants and flowers’ → go to paragraph 1: Nature. - Teacher checks students’ answers as a class. Answer key: 1. A 2. A 3. B 4. C * SPEAKING To help Task 3: Work in pairs. students Read the passage Visit practise asking Singapore again and and answering make a list of the places. about a place take turns to ask and they want to find out which place visit and your partner wants to explain why. visit and why. - Teacher asks students to Pair work refer to the passage about Singapore (Reading 1) and make a list of the places mentioned. - Teacher asks students T-Ss To help some time to form their students review own ideas of where to listening for go and why they want specific to go there, then work in information pairs, asking and (T/F answering to find out questions). where their partners want to go and why. - Teacher goes round and supports students if it’s needed. 182
  24. - Teacher calls some students/ pairs to present their ideas to the class. * LISTENING Task 4: Mai’s family is talking to a travel agent about their trip to Singapore. Listen and tick () T (True) or F S (False). - Teacher allows students some time to read the statements carefully to have some ideas what the listening is about. - Teacher guides students to look for key words which can help them focus while listening. For example: four days (1), won’t go (2) a full day (3) - Teacher plays the recording twice or three times (as needed). Students listen and tick the answers. - Teacher allows students Pair work to swap their answers. - Teacher checks their answers as a class, encourages students to correct the false T-Ss statement(s). If there is still time, teacher may give students some information about the 183
  25. Light and Sound Show and Sentosa. - The Light and Sound Show: a form of nighttime entertainment that is usually presented outdoor, using light and sound to tell a story of history. - Sentosa: a sunny island in Singapore, a big centre of entertainment, which offers activities for people of different age groups. There are Sea Aquarium, Butterfly Park, Insect Kingdom, Skyline Luge, Cove Waterpark, Universal Studio, and the famous Light and Sound Show. Answer key: 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. F Audio script: Travel agent: Here we have a four-day programme for you Mai’s mother: Do we visit somewhere natural? Travel agent: Oh yes. We have two days for nature: one day at the National Park and one day at the zoo. Mai’s mother: How about Sentosa? 184
  26. Travel agent: Sentosa is a ‘must’ for families. We spend one day there. Mai’s mother: Is it enough? Travel agent: We start early and return late. There we visit the Sea Aquarium Mai’s mother: What is it? Travel agent: It’s a zoo for fish. Mai’s mother: Great. Travel agent: In the evening we will watch the Light and Sound Show. And the last day is for To help *WRITING students Task 5: Complete this complete a paragraph to describe guided the place you live. T-Ss paragraph of - Teacher has students about 50 words read the guided to describe paragraph first and their decide which neighbourhood. information is needed for each blank. S - Teacher allows them some time to think about the information they need to complete the frame. - Teacher allows them some time to do the task. - Teacher goes round and check if they are doing the job correctly and offers help if needed. 185
  27. - Teacher calls on one or two volunteers to read aloud their answers then calls for other students’ comments. - Teacher collects some writings to correct at home. Consolidation To consolidate Teacher asks students to T-Ss 3 what students talk about what they have mins have practice practice in the lesson. in the lesson. Homework To prepare for Prepare for Unit 7 – T-Ss 1 the next lesson. Lesson 1. min UNIT 1: MY NEW SCHOOL Lesson 1: Getting started – A special day Lesson aim(s) By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - have an overview about the topic My new school; - use the vocabulary to talk about school things. Language analysis Form Meaning Pronunciation 1. subject (n) the thing that is being studied /ˈsʌbdʒekt/ 2. uniform (n) a set of clothes that has to be worn by /ˈjuːnɪfɔːm/ the members of the same group of people 3. calculator (n) an electronic device used for /ˈkổlkjəleɪtər/ mathematical processes Materials (referenced) 186
  28. - Grade 6 textbook, Unit 1, Getting started - Projector/ pictures and cards - sachmem.vn Anticipated difficulties Solutions Students may lack experience of - Encourage students to work in groups so group/ team work. that they can help each other. - Give short, clear instructions and help if necessary. 187
  29. Board Plan Date of teaching Unit 1: My new school Lesson 1: Getting started * Warm-up Memorising game I. Vocabulary 1. subject (n) 2. uniform (n) 3. calculator (n) II. Practice Task 1: Listen and read. Task 2: Read the conversation again and tick (✔) T (True) or F (False). Task 3: Write one word from the box in each gap. Task 4: Match the words with the school things. Then listen and repeat. Task 5: Write names of the things you can see around the class in your notebook. * Homework Stage Stage aim Procedure Interactio Tim n e Warm-up - To activate * Memorising game: Team work 5 students’ - Teacher divides class into mins knowledge on 2 teams. the topic of - Teacher asks students to the unit. close the books, shows - To set the the picture (pages 6 context for the and 7) and asks them to listening and memorise every detail in reading part. the picture in 1 minute. - Teacher hides the pictures and asks questions about the picture. The team who has more correct answers is the winner. 1. How many people can you see in the picture? 188
  30. 2. Who are they? 3. Where are they? 4. What are the two students carrying on their backs? 5. Where are they going to go? Suggested answers: 1. I can see three people. 2. They are students. 3. They are at one of the boys’ home. 4. They are carrying school bags/ backpacks. 5. They are going to go to school. - Teacher sets the context for the listening and reading text: Write the title on the board A special day. Explain the meaning of special and ask students to guess what the conversation might be about. Presentation To prepare VOCABULARY T-Ss 5 (Vocab – students with Teacher introduces the mins pre-teach) vocabulary. vocabulary by: - giving explanations; - showing the pictures illustrating the words. 1. subjects (n) [explanations] 2. uniform (n) [picture] 3. calculator (n) [picture] Practice - To have Task 1: Listen and read. T-Ss 5 students know - Teacher plays the mins the topic. recording twice. - Students listen and read. 189
  31. - Teacher checks students’ prediction. - Teacher calls 3 students to read the conversation aloud. - To have students get Task 2: Read the 7 specific conversation again and mins information of tick (✔) T (True) or F the text. (False). - Teacher tells students to T-Ss read the conversation again and work independently to find the answers. Remind students to underline the information and correct the false statements. - Teacher has students pair Ss-Ss compare before checking with the whole class. - Teacher calls some T-Ss students to give the answers. Answer key: 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. F - To check students Task 3: Write one word 5 understanding from the box in each gap. mins of the - Teacher has students read conversation the conversation again, S and help work independently to students use put a suitable word from the box to fill in the gap. 190
  32. the words in - Teacher calls one student context. to share his/her answer on the board. T-Ss - Teacher asks students to look at the board, check their mate’s answer. Ss-Ss Answer key: 1. wear 2. has 3. go 4. uniforms 5. subjects Task 4: Match the words - To provide with the school things. 7 students Then listen and repeat. mins vocabulary. *Pelmanism - Teacher divides the class into 2 teams. - Teacher put two sets of T-Ss cards, one includes pictures of school things Ss-Ss and the other includes their names. Members from two teams take turns and matchs the names with the correct pictures as fast as possible. The team matched faster and correctly is the winner. 191
  33. Task 5: Write names of the things you can see - To check around the class in your 6 students’ notebook. Group mins vocabulary - Students work in groups work and improve of four to look around the group work class and write down skill. things they can see in the class. - Students may ask teacher if they don’t know the names of the items. - Students share with the whole class. Consolidation To consolidate Teacher asks students to T-Ss 3 what students talk about what they have mins have learnt in learnt in the lesson. the lesson. Homework To review the - Do exercises in the T-Ss 2 lesson and workbook. mins prepare for the - Think of activities next lesson. students can do at school. 192
  34. UNIT 1: MY NEW SCHOOL Lesson 2: A closer look 1 Lesson aim(s) By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - use the lexical items related to the topic My new school; - use the combinations: to study, to have, to do, to play + N; - pronounce correctly the sounds /ɑː/ and /ʌ/. Language analysis Form Meaning Pronunciation 1. science (n) a particular subject that is studied /ˈsaɪəns/ using scientific methods. 2. exercise (n/v) physical activity that you do to make /ˈeksəsaɪz/ your body strong and healthy. Materials (referenced) - Grade 6 textbook, Unit 1, A closer look 1 - Projector/ Pictures - sachmem.vn Anticipated difficulties Solutions 1. Students may have difficulties Provide students some tips by identifying the in distinguishing two sounds letters may include each sound. /ɑː/ and /ʌ/. 2. Some students will excessively - Define expectation in explicit detail. talk in the class. Have excessive talking students practise. - Continue to define expectations in small chunks (before every activity). Board Plan 193
  35. Date of teaching Unit 1: My new school Lesson 2: A closer look 1 * Warm-up Game: Hot seat I. Vocabulary 1. science (n) 2. exercise (n/v) Task 1: Listen and repeat the words. Task 2: Put the words in the correct columns. Task 3: Put the words in the blanks. II. Pronunciation Task 4: Listen and repeat. Pay attention to the sounds /ɑː/ and /ʌ/. Task 5: Listen and repeat. Underline the words with the sounds /ɑː/ and /ʌ/. III. Production Game: Who is faster? * Homework Stage Stage aim Procedure Interactio Tim n e Warm-up To activate * Game: Hot seat Team work 5 students’ prior - Teacher divides students mins knowledge and into 2 teams. vocabulary Each team has a related to the member standing topic. against the board. - Teacher shows pictures of some activities one by one and other members use body language to let their team member guess the names of the activities. - The team with the most correct answers in the fastest time is the winner. 194
  36. Answer key: play football listen to music skip rope 195
  37. drink water watch TV play video games Presentation To enrich VOCABULARY T-Ss 3 (Vocab – students’ - Teacher introduces the mins pre-teach) vocabulary. vocabulary by: + providing explanations of the words; + showing picture illustrating the word. 1. science (n) [picture] 2. exercise (n/v) [explanation] 196
  38. Practice To teach Task 1: Listen and T-Ss 16 students some repeat the words. mins activities they - Teacher asks students to can do at school. listen and repeat the words. - Teacher calls some students to read the words aloud. To help student identify which Task 2: Work in pairs. nouns go after Put the words in Task 1 which verbs to in the correct columns. make names of - Teacher asks students to Pair work school activities. work in pairs and use the words in Task 1 to put into the correct columns. - Students work in pairs and do the task. - Teacher calls some pairs T-Ss to share their answers with the whole class. - Teacher gives feedback and corrections (if necessary). Answer key: play do football homework music exercise have study school lunch English lessons history science - Teacher explains which nouns go with each verb to make meaningful names of activities. - Teacher asks students to work in groups of four and add as many words 197