Kế hoạch giáo dục Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Năm học 2020-2021

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Nội dung text: Kế hoạch giáo dục Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Năm học 2020-2021

  1. KẾ HOẠCH GIÁO DỤC MÔN: TIẾNG ANH Năm học 2020 - 2021 KHỐI 6 Cả năm: 35 tuần = 105 tiết (3 tiết/1 tuần) Học kỳ I: 18 tuần x 3 tiết = 54 tiết Học kỳ II: 17 tuần x 3 tiết = 51 tiết HỌC KÌ I Tuần Tiết Tên bài Thời Yêu cầu cần đạt Hình thức tổ chức dạy Điều chỉnh lượng học thực hiện dạy học 1 Introdution 1 - To introduce for ss about English book 6. Communicative -To introduce for ss some best ways to work with English book 6 Unit 1: 5 period 1 2 Unit 1: A(1-4) 1 - By the end of the lesson ss will be able to Work in pairs say: Hi/ hello and introduce his/ her name. Work individually - Encourage Ss to learn English. Write an email letter - Skills : 4 skills individually Work in groups 3 Unit 1: A(5-7) 1 - After the lesson, Ss will be able to greet Pair work each other and show their interest on their Group work friends’ health in English. All the class - Encourage Ss to learn English. Individual - Skills : 4 skills 4 Unit 1: B(1-4) 1 -to greet each other basing on the time of the Work in pairs day and the way to express their concern Work individually about their friends’health. Write an email letter - Encourage Ss to learn English. individually - Skills : 4 skills Work in groups 2 5 Unit 1: C(1-2) 1 - to say the numbers from 1 to 20 in English Pair work and ask and answer about their age. Group work
  2. 2 - Encourage Ss to learn English. All the class -Skills Individual 6 Unit 1: C(3-4) 1 - Further Practice couting Numbers (1 – 20) Work in pairs and give telephone numbers Work individually - After the lesson students will be able to Write an email letter introduce about their age and others’ individually - Encourage Ss to learn English Work in groups Unit 2: 5 period 7 Unit 2: A(1-3) 1 to know and use imporative command in Work in pairs class. Work individually - Encourage Ss to learn English. Write an email letter - Skills: 4 skills. individually Work in groups 3 8 Unit 2: B(1-3) 1 - “Where do you live?” questions and Reading: read individually. answers to talk about the places you live. Do exercise inpairs - To help ss. spell letters in the Alphabet. Listen in whole class Work in groups 9 Unit 2: B(4-5) 1 to ask and answer with questions: “What is Pair work your name?” and “How do you spell your Group work name?” All the class - Encourage Ss to learn English Individual - Skills : 4 skiils. 10 Unit 2: C(1) 1 to practice with This/ That positive Reading: read individually. statements and Y/N Questions to talk about Do exercise inpairs people and things at school. Listen in whole class Work in groups 4 11 Unit 2: C(2-3) 1 to asks and answer with the questions: Pair work “What is this/ that? to talk about things in Group work the classroom. All the class Individual Unit 3: 5 period 12 Unit 3: A(1-2) 1 to asks and answer with the questions: Reading: read individually. “What is this/ that?; What are these/those?
  3. 3 to identify objects in the home. Do exercise inpairs Listen in whole class Work in groups 13 Unit 3: A(3-4) 1 to ask and answer about their family Pair work member with name, age and job; Ask for Group work and give numbers with “ How many people All the class are there .? Individual 5 14 Unit 3: B(1-2) 1 to count to 100 and pronunciation of plural Reading: read individually. nouns ( /s/, /z/ , / iz/) to count things in the Do exercise inpairs classroom. Listen in whole class - Encourage Ss to learn English. Work in groups 15 Unit 3: B(3-5) 1 SS. have further practice in numbers to talk Pair work about things in the classroom, the living Group work room and the family. All the class - Encourage Ss to learn English. Individual 16 Unit 3: C(1-2) 1 Ss. read a text about a family to understand Reading: read individually. the details and talk about jobs. By the end of Do exercise inpairs the lesson ss. will be able to introduce about Listen in whole class their families. Work in groups 6 17 Grammar practice 1 period - SS. will have further practice with “Be”, Pair work Imperatives, Numbers, Question Words, Group work There is / There are, and furniture All the class Vocabulary Individual Unit 4: 5 period 18 Unit 4: A(1-2) 1 to describe everyday routines with the first in whole class and the third person singular. Work in groups - Encourage Ss to learn English. Work in pairs - Skills : 4 skills Work in groups Write individually 19 Unit 4: A(3-4) 1 to ask and answer about everyday routines. - Training speaking skill and other skills. Individual - To help ss more aware of activities after
  4. 4 school. 7 20 Unit 4: B(1-5) 1 - By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to Group work practise with Yes/ No questions and short All the class answers about daily routines. Individual 21 Unit 4: C(1-3) 1 - Reading a picture story about Ba’s daily Group work routine to practice Simple present tense. All the class Individual 8 22 Unit 4: C(4-7) 1 to describe everyday routines with the first Listen and repeat in whole and the third person singular. class - Encourage Ss to learn English. Work in groups - Skills : 4 skills Work in pairs Work in groups Listen in whole class Write individually Unit 5: 6 period 23 Unit 5: A(1-2) 1 to ask and answer about everyday routines. Pair work - Training speaking skill and other skills. Group work - To help ss more aware of activities after All the class school. Individual 24 Unit 5: A(3-4) 1 - By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to Pair work practise with Yes/ No questions and short Group work answers about daily routines. All the class Individual 25 Unit 5: A(5-6) 1 - Reading a picture story about Ba’s daily Pair work routine to practice Simple present tense. Group work All the class Individual 9 26 Unit 5: B(1-3) 1 to describe everyday routines with the first Pair work and the third person singular. Group work - Encourage Ss to learn English. All the class - Skills : 4 skills Individual 27 Grammar practice 1 - SS. will have further practice with “Be”, Do exercise inpairs
  5. 5 Imperatives, Numbers, Question Words, Listen in whole class There is / There are, and furniture Work in groups Vocabulary 28 Test 1 To check ss about knowledge of learning individual E. book 6 (from Unit 1 to Unit 3) - To make ss more aware of learning English. - To find better ways for teaching and learning English. 10 29 Test correction 1 To review for ss about the written test.To Pair work make ss more aware of learning English.- Group work - Encourage Ss to learn English. All the class Individual 30 Unit 5: C(1) 1 - Days of the week vocab with “Has / Reading: read individually. Doesn’t have” to talk about the weekly Do exercise timetable. 31 Unit 5: C(2-3) 1 - Encourage Ss to learn English. Pair work - Skills : 4 skills Group work All the class Individual Unit 6: 5 period 11 32 Unit 6: A(1-2) 1 To read about the things around Thuy’s Reading: read individually. house then answer questions correctly. Do exercise inpairs - Describe places. Listen in whole class - Encourage Ss to learn English. Work in groups - Skills: 4 skills 33 Unit 6: A(3-6) 1 - Town and country vocabulary for Listen in whole class. describing places where we live. Practice in pairs -Practise speaking and listening skills. . Listen in whole class - Encourage Ss to learn English. - Skills : 4 skills 34 Unit 6: B(1-4) 1 - Reading a text about Where Minh lives to Listen in whole class. understand town vocabulary and Practice in pairs
  6. 6 prepositions of place. Listen in whole class 12 35 Unit 6: C(1-2) 1 to use prepositions of place: in front of, Listen in whole class. behind, to the left / to the right of to Practice in pairs describe the position of a house. Listen in whole class 36 Unit 6: C(3-5) 1 - “Where is / are ” questions and answers Pair work with the town vocabulary and prepositions Group work of place to describe a street. All the class Individual Unit 7: 5 period 37 Unit 7: A(1,3,5) 1 - Facilities vocabulary with “Is there a / Listen in whole class. Are there any ?” and short answers to Practice in pairs describe the town. Listen in whole class Pair work Group work All the class Individual 13 38 Unit 7: B(1) 1 - Reading a text about Ba and Chi’s house to Listen and repeat in whole understand the differences between town class and country. Work in groups Work in pairs Work in groups Listen in whole class Write individually 39 Unit 7: B(2-3) 1 - After the lesson, Ss will be able to write a Pair work short description about one’s house. . Group work - Encourage Ss to learn English. All the class - Skills : 4 skills Individual 40 Unit 7: C(1,3) 1 To make ss more aware of the written test. Pair work To check ss’ about doing the test. Group work All the class Individual 14 41 Unit 7: C(4-6) 1 To practice with the Simple Present, ask and Pair work answer about the transportation (on the
  7. 7 move). Group work - Encourage Ss to learn English: 4 skills All the class Individual Unit 8: 6 period 42 Unit 8: A(1-3) 1 To listen and write short answers with Pair work means of transportation; Read a passage Group work about Hoang and answer questions. All the class - Encourage Ss to learn English. Individual - Skills : 4 skills 43 Unit 8: A(4-6) 1 To practice with the Present Progressive Pair work positive statements with I / she / he to talk Group work about the actions happening now. . All the class - Encourage Ss to learn English. Individual - Skills : 4 skills 15 44 Unit 8: B(1) 1 To practice the Present Progressive “Wh-” Pair work questions with she / he / they to talk about Group work the actions happening now. All the class Individual 45 Unit 8: B(2,3) 1 to understand the main ideas and details of a Listen and repeat in whole story about a truck driver; and use class Continuous to answer comprehension Work in groups questions. Work in pairs Work in groups Listen in whole class Write individually 46 Unit 8: B(C1,2) 1 To practice Can / Can’t statenments and Pair work traffic vocabulary about what you are Group work allowed and not allowed to do on the road. . All the class - Encourage Ss to learn English. Individual - Skills : 4 skills 16 47 Unit 8: C(3-5) 1 - After the lesson, Ss will be able to practice Listen and repeat in whole Must and Mustn’t for obligation / class prohibition. Work in groups
  8. 8 - Encourage Ss to learn English. Work in pairs - Skills : 4 skills Work in groups Listen in whole class Write individually 48 Grammar practice 1 To practice further in Simple Present; Pair work Present Progressive; prepositions of place; Group work question words and the modals. All the class Individual 17 49-51 Revision 1 To practice further in Simple Pair work Present;Present Progressive; prepositions of Group work place; question words and the modals. All the class Individual 52 1 To practice further in Simple Pair work Revision Present;Present Progressive; prepositions of Group work place; question words and the modals. All the class Individual 18 53 1 To read about the things around Thuy’s individually. Revision house then answer questions correctly. Do exercise inpairs - Describe places. Listen in whole class - Encourage Ss to learn English. Work in groups - Skills : 4 skills 54 Test for first term 1 To check ss about knowledge of learning Individual E. book 6 (from Unit 1 to Unit 3) - To make ss more aware of learning English. - To find better ways for teaching and learning English. HỌC KÌ II Tuần Tiết Tên bài Thời Yêu cầu cần đạt Hình thức tổ chức dạy Điều chỉnh lượng học thực hiện dạy học
  9. 9 Unit 9: 5 period 55 Unit 9: A(1-2) 1 - After the lesson, Ss will be able to ask and Listen in whole class. answer about the part of a body. Encourage Practice in pairs Ss to learn English. Listen in whole class - Skills : 4 skills Pair work Group work All the class Individual 19 56 Unit 9: A(3-4) 1 - After the lesson, Ss will be able to describe Pair work a person in a simple way. Group work - Adjectives to describe a person. All the class Individual 57 Unit 9: A(5-6) 1 - After the lesson, Ss will be able to describe Pair work a person in a simple way. Encourage Ss to Group work learn English. All the class - Skills: 4 skills Individual 58 Unit 9: B(1,5,6) 1 - After the lesson, Ss will be able to describe Listen in whole class. one’s face and adjectives of colors to Practice in pairs describe about hair, eyes. Listen in whole class Pair work Group work All the class Individual 20 59 Unit 9: B(2,4) 1 - Further practice on describing about the Pair work part of a body. Group work - Encourage Ss to learn English. All the class - Skills : 4 skills Individual Unit 10: 6 period 60 Unit 10: A(1-2) 1 - After the lesson, Ss will be able to ask and Listen in whole class. answer about the feeling and the need. Practice in pairs Listen in whole class Work individually Read individually Speak in pairs Listen in whole class
  10. 10 Write individually 61 Unit 10: A(3,4) 1 - After the lesson, Ss will be able to ask and Pair work answer about the want. Group work - Encourage Ss to learn English. All the class - Skills: 4 skills Individual 21 62 Unit 10: A(5,6,7) 1 - After the lesson, Ss will be able to practice Pair work with the name of food and the use of Group work “some”and “any”. All the class Individual 63 Unit 10: B(1-3) 1 - After the lesson, Ss will have further Listen in whole class. practice with their favorite food Practice in pairs Listen in whole class Work individually Read individually Speak in pairs Listen in whole class Write individually 64 Unit 10: B(4-5) 1 - After the lesson, Ss will be able to know Pair work some of the names of food and drink and Group work the use of the verb: “like”. All the class Individual 22 65 Unit 10: C(1-4) 1 - After the lesson, Ss will be able to Listen in whole class. communicate in a simple way to buy food. Practice in pairs - Encourage Ss to learn English. Listen in whole class - Skills : 4 skills Work individually Read individually Speak in pairs Listen in whole class Write individually Unit 11: 5 period 66 Unit 11: A(1) 1 - After the lesson, Ss will be able to Pair work communicate in a simple way to buy food, Group work to ask and answer about the quantity. All the class Individual 67 Unit 11: A(2) 1 - After the lesson, Ss will be able to express Pair work
  11. 11 their want and need, to ask and answer about Group work the quantity. All the class - Encourage Ss to learn English. Individual - Skills : 4 skills 23 68 Unit 11: A(3) 1 - After the lesson, Ss will be able to know Pair work more about the food, drinks and fruits. Group work All the class Individual 69 Unit 11: B(1-2) 1 - After the lesson, Ss will be able to know Listen in whole class. how to ask about the price of things. Practice in pairs Listen in whole class Work individually Read individually Speak in pairs Listen in whole class Write individually 70 Unit 11: B(3,4,5) 1 - After the lesson, Ss will be able to practice Pair work in the present tense, present progressive; a, Group work an, some, any; adjectives and question All the class words. Individual 24 71 Grammar practice 1 Further practice in Simple Present tense, Pair work telling the time, adjectives with “be”, Group work question Words, school subjects, Days of the All the class week. Individual Unit 12: 5 period 72 Unit 12: A(1-5) 1 - After the lesson, Ss will be able to ask and Listen in whole class. answer about the part of a body. Encourage Practice in pairs Ss to learn English. Listen in whole class - Skills : 4 skills Work individually Read individually Speak in pairs Listen in whole class Write individually 73 Unit 12: B(1-4) 1 - After the lesson, Ss will be able to ask and Pair work answer about the pastimes. Group work
  12. 12 - Encourage Ss to learn English. All the class - Skills : 4 skills Individual 25 74 Unit 12: B(5) 1 - After the lesson, Ss will be able to ask and Pair work answer about the pastimes. Group work - Encourage Ss to learn English. All the class - Skills: 4 skills Individual 75 Unit 12: C(1-4) 1 - After the lesson, Ss will be able to use Listen in whole class. “How often ” to ask and some adverbs Practice in pairs of frequency: always, usualy, often, Listen in whole class sometimes, never, Work individually Read individually Speak in pairs Listen in whole class Write individually Unit 12: C(5-6) 1 to use “How often ” to ask and some Pair work 76 adverbs of frequency: always, usualy, often, Group work sometimes, never correctly. . All the class - Encourage Ss to learn English. Individual - Skills : 4 skills Unit 13: 3 period 26 77 Unit 13 : A(1,2) 1 - After the lesson, Ss will be able to say the Pair work weather and the seasons. Group work - Encourage Ss to learn English. All the class - Skills : 4 skills Individual 78 Unit 13 : A(3,4) 1 Futher practice on saying the weather . Read individually - Encourage Ss to learn English. Speak in pairs - Skills : 4 skills Listen in whole class Write individually 79 Grammar practice 1 Further practice in Simple Present tense, Pair work telling the time, adjectives with “be”, Group work question Words, school subjects, Days of the All the class week. Individual 27 80 Written test 1 - To check up Ss’understanding through 3 Individual units. - To get Ss’result after 3 units.
  13. 13 81 Test corection 1 - Futher practice on saying some sport Pair work activities in each season with the adverbs of Group work frequency. All the class - Encourage Ss to learn English. Individual - Skills: 4 skills 82 Unit 13 : B 1-5(2 + 1 - Futher practice on asking and answering Work individually Ôn tập) about some sport activities in each season Read individually with the adverbs of frequency. Speak in pairs Listen in whole class Write individually Unit 14: 6 period 28 83 Unit 14 : A(1-3) 1 - After the lesson, Ss will be able to ask and Pair work answer about intention. Group work All the class Individual 84 Unit 14 : A(4-5) 1 - Futher practice on the structure: "be going Listen in whole class. to" to express the intention. Practice in pairs - Encourage Ss to learn English. Listen in whole class - Skills: 4 skills Work individually Read individually Speak in pairs Listen in whole class Write individually 85 Unit 14 : B(1-3) 1 - Comprehension listening a dialogue about Listen in whole class. free time plans. Practice in pairs - Encourage Ss to learn English. Listen in whole class - Skills : 4 skills Work individually Read individually Speak in pairs Listen in whole class Write individually 29 86 Unit 14 : B(5-6) 1 - After the lesson, Ss will be able to Pair work understand a short text about the free time Group work - Encourage Ss to learn English. All the class - Skills : 4 skills Individual
  14. 14 87 Unit 14 : C(1) 1 - Reading comprehension about a free time Work individually plan. Read individually - Suggestions for a free time plan. Speak in pairs - Encourage Ss to learn English. Listen in whole class - Skills: 4 skills Write individually 88 Unit 14 : C(2,3) 1 - Reading comprehension about a free time Listen and repeat in whole plan . class - Suggestions for a free time plan. Work in groups - Encourage Ss to learn English. Work in pairs - Skills : 4 skills Work in groups Listen in whole class Write individually 30 89 Grammar practice 1 Further practice in the simple present, Pair work progressive and near future tenses; the Group work adverbs of frequency; the weather and the All the class future plans. Individual Unit 15: 4 period 90 Unit 15 : A(1-3) 1 - Further practice in speaking about some Listen and repeat in whole name of some other countries, its nationality class in the structure "be going to". Work in groups Work in pairs Work in groups Listen in whole class Write individually 91 Unit 15 : A(4-6) 1 - After the lesson, Ss will be able to practice Work in pairs with the comparative and superlative forms of some adjectives: big, tall, small 31 92 Unit 15 : B(1-2) 1 - After the lesson, Ss will be able to Work in groups introduce their country. - Encourage Ss to learn English. - Skills: 4 skills 93 Unit 15 : B(3,4) 1 - After the lesson, Ss will know more about Listen and repeat in whole rivers and mountains both in Vietnam and in class the world. Work in groups Work in pairs
  15. 15 Work in groups Listen in whole class Write individually Unit 16: 6 period 94 Unit 16 : C(1-2) 1 - After the lesson, Ss will know more about Pair work rivers and mountains both in Vietnam and in Group work the world. All the class Individual 32 95 Unit 16: C(3) 1 - Futher practice in the present progressive. Listen and repeat in whole - to know more about the fact and the reason class of the danger of rare animals. Work in groups Work in pairs Work in groups Listen in whole class Write individually 96 Unit 16 : A(1-2) 1 - After the lesson, Ss will be able to make Listen and repeat in whole questions with "How much"& "How many" class and some adjs: some, a lot, a little, a few. Work in pairs Work in groups Listen in whole class Write individually 97 Unit 16 : B(1) 1 to use the present progressive tens to talk Work in groups about the environment's problem and the imperatives. 33 98 Unit 16 : B(2,3) 1 to use "should" & "shouldn't" to talk about Work in pairs the activities to protect the environment. Work in groups Listen in whole class Write individually 99 Unit 16 : B(4,5) 1 - Further practice in tenses, comparative & Work in pairs superlatives and the indefinite quantifiers. Work in pairs Work in groups Listen in whole class Write individually 100 Grammar practice 1 - Further practice in tenses, comparative & Pair work superlatives and the indefinite quantifiers. Group work
  16. 16 All the class Individual 34 101 Revision 1 - Further practice in tenses, comparative & Pair work 102 superlatives and the indefinite quantifiers. Group work All the class Individual 35 103 Revision 1 Further practice in tenses, comparative & Pair work 104 superlatives and the indefinite quantifiers. Group work All the class Individual 105 Thi học kỳ 2 1 Students will be able to summarize the Individual knowledge they have learnt form unit 1to unit 8 so that they can supplement what they are short of. Students will be able to summarize the basic knowledge they have learnt to do the test well. Hợp Tiến, ngày . tháng 9 năm 2020 HIỆU TRƯỞNG TỔ TRƯỞNG NGƯỜI LẬP Đặng Vũ Trường Hoàng Thị Tư Phạm Thị Thanh Thủy